Monday, 24 September 2018


2018eqq, Type Ia in UGC 2536 (= Gaia DR2 240029096355889664?)
Discovered 2018-08-03.569 by Gaia, mag 15.05 at discovery
R.A. = 03h06m55s.160, Decl. = +41°30'32".90

Saturday, 22 September 2018

AT 2018grm = (GSNST 2018-ae)

Follow up observations of our discovery AT 2018grm = (GSNST 2018-ae) on 2018-09-22.040
CV = 20.55 +/- 0.75
Observer: Malhar R. Kendurkar, GSNST Team

Friday, 21 September 2018

AT 2018gep

We observed AT 2018gep discovered by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Date of Observations: 2018-09-18.939
Magnitude CV: + 16.20 +/- 0.04
Observer: Malhar R. Kendurkar, GSNST Team

GSNST 2018-af =(AT 2018grn)

M. Kendurkar reports a possible new transient on 2018-09-19 at RA: 22:16:49.25, Dec: +35:36:31.11
Magnitude C = + 19.84
Observer: Malhar Kendurkar, GSNST Team

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Observation: AT2018glm

AT2018glm, Type CV
Discovered 2018-09-16.055 by Gaia, mag 13.6 at discovery
R.A. = 01h36m37s.023, Decl. = +32°00'40".10

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Observation: AT2018gci

AT2018gci, Type unknown in Mrk 359
Discovered 2018/09/01.472  by ZTF, mag 17.99 at discovery
R.A. = 01h27m32s.530, Decl. = +19°10'43".85

Observation: AT2018gir

AT2018gir, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-15.365 by ATLAS, mag 18.119 at discovery
R.A. = 19h31m25s.700, Decl. = +44°11'24".13

Observation: AT2018glg

AT2018glg, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-14.773 by Gaia, mag 16.86 at discovery
R.A. = 21h52m32s.307, Decl. = +49°04'19".46

Observation: AT2018glx

AT2018glx, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-12.458 by Gaia, mag 18.19 at discovery
R.A. = 23h07m39s.812, Decl. = +42°18'51".95

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Observation: AT2018gcm

AT2018gcm, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-06.232 by ZTF, mag 16.56 at discovery
R.A. = 18h58m03s.230, Decl. = +25°08'28".49

Monday, 17 September 2018

Observation: AT2018ghp

AT2018ghp, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-03.289 by ZTF, mag 18.51 at discovery
R.A. = 00h13m42s.060, Decl. = +27°34'03".45

Observation: AT2018gjx

AT2018gjx, Type unknown in NGC 865
Discovered 2018-09-15.820 by Peiyuan Sun and Xing Gao
R.A. = 02h16m15s.550, Decl. = +28°35'28".70

Observation: AT2018gkh

AT2018gkh, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-14.432 by ZTF, mag 18.09 at discovery
R.A. = 02h32m34s.340, Decl. = +08°07'47".35

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Observation: AT2018gfc

AT2018gfc, Type Blazar (aka CSS111018:023752+284809, also 4C 28.07?)
Discovered 2018-09-09.986 by Gaia, mag 15.36 at discovery
R.A. = 02h37m52s.409, Decl. = +28°48'09".00

Observation: AT2018ggb

AT2018ggb, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-05.185 by ZTF, mag 17.92 at discovery
R.A. = 19h39m04s.330, Decl. = +41°53'10".03

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Observation: AT2018ggf

AT2018ggf, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-09.344 by ZTF, mag 18.55 at discovery
R.A. = 22h15m02s.600, Decl. = +42°08'36".45

Observation: AT2018ggy

AT2018ggy, Type unknown in LEDA 2817362
Discovered 2018-09-09.301 by ZTF, mag 18.73 at discovery
R.A. = 23h26m01s.300, Decl. = +38°08'46".85

Observation: AT2018gfn

AT2018gfn, Type CV (aka CRTS J015321.5+340857)
Discovered 2018-09-09.478 by Gaia, mag 16.81 at discovery
R.A. = 01h53m21s.492, Decl. = +34°08'56".19

Observation: AT2018gep

AT2018gep, Type unknown in SDSS J164348.22+410243.3
Discovered 2018-09-09.163 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), mag 20.48 at discovery
R.A. = 16h43m48s.220, Decl. = +41°02'43".37

Friday, 14 September 2018

Observation: SN2017eaw

2017eaw, Type IIP in NGC 6946
Discovered 2017-05-14.238 by Patrick Wiggins, mag 12.8 at discovery
R.A. = 20h34m44s.238, Decl. = +60°11'36".00

Observation: AT2018fwx

AT2018fwx, Type unknown
Dscovered 2018-09-07.403 by ATLAS, mag 18.861 at discovery
R.A. = 20h49m56s.720, Decl. = +69°07'18".48

Observation: AT2018geg

AT2018geg, Type unknown, probably object Gaia DR2 1853132466713637248
Discovered 2018-09-07.511 by Gaia, mag 18.63 at discovery
R.A. = 21h12m48s.583, Decl. = +31°57'20".05

Observation: AT2018gen

AT2018gen, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-10.441 by ATLAS, mag 18.036 at discovery
R.A. = 21h57m46s.340, Decl. = +30°56'51".71

Observation: AT2018geu

AT2018geu, Type CV
Discovered 2018-09-08.967 by Gaia, mag 18.39 at discovery
R.A. = 00h36m28s.949, Decl. = +39°10'13".30

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Observation: AT2018gfb

AT2018gfb, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-08.259 by Gaia, mag 17.41 at discovery
R.A. = 20h52m37s.999, Decl. = +30°33'10".80

Observation: AT2018gfh

AT2018gfh, Type unknown in UGC 12914
Discovered 2018-09-11.799 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS), mag 18.5 at discovery
R.A. = 00h01m38s.450, Decl. = +23°29'02".81

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Observation: AT2018fjy

AT2018fjy, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-08-16.326 by ZTF, mag 14.19 at discovery
R.A. = 18h42m58s.200, Decl. = +73°42'28".36

Observation: AT2018fml

AT2018fml, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-08-23.199 by Gaia, mag 17.31 at discovery
R.A. = 16h52m04s.965, Decl. = +76°08'10".68

Monday, 10 September 2018

SN 2018fub

Supernova SN 2018fub in 2MASX J00403068-5041153.
Date of Observations: 2018-09-07.237
CV Magnitude: +17.71 +/- 0.06
Observer: Malhar R. Kendurkar, GSNST Team

Observation: AT2018fna

AT2018fna, dwarf nova = HS 1857+7127 = V416 Draconis
Discovered 2018-08-24.946 by Gaia, mag 14 at discovery
R.A. = 18h57m20s.376, Decl. = +71°31'18".77

Observation: 2018fbi

2018fbi, Type Ib
Discovered 2018-08-12.525 by ATLAS, mag 17.587 at discovery
R.A. = 23h59m24s.260, Decl. = +45°54'06".91

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Observation: AT2018joj (x2)

AT2018foj, Type unknown in LEDA 2776701
Discovered 2018-08-27.465 by Gaia, mag 18.93 at discovery
R.A. = 04h23m37s.892, Decl. = +78°29'19".90

Observation: AT2018frz

AT2018frz, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-08-31.48 by ATLAS, mag 16.468 at discovery
R.A. = 22h31m23s.000, Decl. = +33°30'57".20

Observation: 2017eaw (the supernova that won't quit)

2017eaw, Type IIP in NGC 6946
Discovered 2017-05-14.238 by Patrick Wiggins, mag 12.8 at discovery
R.A. = 20h34m44s.238, Decl. = +60°11'36".00

Observation: AT2018fsy

AT2018fsy, Type unknown in M31
Discovered 2018/09/02.965 by Emmanuel Conseil, mag 18.2 at discovery
R.A. = 00h44m19s.850, Decl. = +41°29'26".50

Verification: AT2018ftn (GSNST 2018-ad)

AT2018ftn (GSNST018-ad), Type unknown
Discovered 2018-09-04.401 by GSNST, mag 17.29 at discovery
R.A. = 01h25m17s.870, Decl. = +09°39'00".06

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Discovery of a Possible new Transient

Discovery of a possible new transient on 2018-09-04 in Unknown galaxy.
Source Magnitude 17.29 +/- 0.05.
Date of Observations: 2018-09-03.975 from Canary Islands, Spain
Observer: Malhar R. Kendurkar, GSNST Team
Team: M. Kendurkar, C. Raguenaud
Global SuperNova Search Team

Monday, 3 September 2018

Observation: AT2018ffy

AT2018ffy, Type CV
Discovered 2018-08-18.514 by ATLAS, mag 18.478 at discovery
R.A. = 23h37m23s.570, Decl. = +51°31'13".21

Observation: AT2018fka

AT2018fka, Type unknown
Discovered 2018-08-22.415 by ZTF, mag 18.67 at discovery
R.A. = 01h08m53s.410, Decl. = +09°01'21".42

Observation: AT2018fjz

AT2018fjz, Type CV
Discovered 2018-08-19.367 by ZTF, mag 16.14 at discovery
R.A. = 20h34m59s.250, Decl. = +24°36'20".72

Observation: 2018fif

2018fif, Type II in UGC 85
Discovered 2018-08-22.406 by ZTF, mag 18.28 at discovery
R.A. = 00h09m26s.550, Decl. = +47°21'14".73

Followup: AT2018fhy

After further investigation, AT2018fhy is probably 2MASS J00431056+4116574, a possible globular cluster in M31. The fact that it's made up of many stars, some of variable type RR Lyrae, explains the variations in magnitude we observed. Thanks to Emmanuel Conseil for the information.

Observation: 2018evd

2018evd, Type Ia in 2MASX J23165181+4103374
Discovered 2018-08-08.513 by ATLAS, mag 18455 at discovery
R.A. = 23h16m51s.850, Decl. = +41°03'33".72